Baptism baby Garments
This region was once filled with women who sewed clothing in factories.
If any people have retained those skills, please consider making white garments for babies at the time of baptism.
We have patterns that can be used for such creations and we will provide the materials.
Please let us know at the office.
Our supply of PRAYER BLANKETS seems to be depleting rapidly. If you crochet, knit or sew and would like to make a blanket, we will be happy to receive them.
The Prayer Blankets may be given to anyone who is struggling, is ill or just needs prayer support. We are grateful to you in advance.
Blankets should be placed in the Usher’s room, across from the Bridal Room. Please do not take blankets out of the Usher’s closet.
The blessed blankets may be taken from the basket located in the Gathering Space. Thank you.